May 17 - 18th 2019


When will tickets go live and how much do they cost?

Tickets and prices are available at They prices increases as we get closer to the event. We recommend you buy them soon. We sold out early the last two years.

Where can I buy tickets?

ScaleConf Colombia’s website:

Can I get a refund for my ticket?

We can’t reimburse tickets, but we will help you transfer them to another attendee.

Accessibility needs?

Our venue RutaN is accessible from the surrounding three streets. If you arrive via Carrera 55, you will find the ramp on the left side facing the building. RutaN has bathrooms on the first floor with accessible stalls. Our registration is at table level. Our event is on the first floor. Our lobby area does get crowded in between breaks. Our speaker lounge is on the second floor and is accessible by elevator.

Our official hotel, el Diez Hotel, has a ramp on the side of the entrance and elevators to the room. The Diez Hotel has accessible rooms.

Our closing event venue has not been confirmed as of yet. If you have further questions, please contact us at [email protected]


Our CFP is currently opened and you can find more details at


We recommend you visit our website to find the most updated information. Visit our venue section for recommended hotels of various hotel on different price ranges, but all within a 5 minute walk of the bus transporting to/from RutaN, conference venue.

If booking at the Diez Hotel, the link on our website has a discounted conference rate of 189,0000 COP/night for one person in a standard room. Make sure you change the number of adults in the room to 1 when making the online reservation.

City Guide?

We recommend you visit our website to read the Guide/Guia of Medellin. This guides has information on the weather, arriving at the airport, traveling in Medellin, recommended coffee shops and nearby co-working spaces.

Have questions not listed here?

Email us at [email protected]